Monday, June 13, 2016

How Hollywood Gets Narcolepsy Wrong

Rat Race
In true Narcolepsy, we feel the sudden sleepiness of three days without sleep, which gives us a heads up as to the fact we need to nap soon, hence rarely do we ever fall asleep actively in movement.... However, Cataplexy leaves us consciously paralyzed brought on by strong emotion like laughter, anger, surprise, and for me.. fighting a sleep attack is the symptom which most Hollywood portrayed narcolepsy sleep attacks which are really cataplexy... In which we are concuss  of being paralyzed, feels like pins and needles all over... can last very long time for myself, shorter for many.


Deuce Bigalow
We all remember the poor girl with Narcolepsy on a date with Deuce Bigalow, but a few misconceptions and exaggerations must be communicated throughout society, because so many are suffering with narcolepsy but fail to match  their symptoms with all of narcolepsy's. If we are super sleepy and fall asleep in, around my food,I wake-up upon impact...messy food in my hair, face. Or the pain... of  a micro sleep blasting me awake with a cataplexy,micro sleep hypnagogic jerk busting my knee's or the permanent line on the bridge of my nose due to micro sleep.
If I were to micro-sleep in my plate, esp. hot soup... you better believe I'd wake up and jump 3 stories high.


Recently Jeremy Renner stated he wished his real super power was Narcolepsy.... Narcolepsy is not a superpower! I would not wish this on anyone.... Narcolepsy is much worse than spontaneous luxurious nap naps.... So you just fall asleep instantly anywhere, no notice and the same cataplexy? what kind of fool word is that.... where all the cats lie on the landing? I wish I could be so lucky to nap anywhere all day! I'm probably kinda narcolepstic, cuz I get tired too... ORLY..... I remember when I used to just get tired...Now I just stay there!

I get snarky, sarcastic really make em feel like the idiots they are... ahhhh so intellectually satisfying... like a snickers while I snicker...... eg... Well that can be arranged.... you can take enough Belsomra to take narcolepsy for a test drive or the more permanent cauterization of your Hypocretin Neurons....we can make your dream of becoming one of us true... today!

REAL Narcolepsy is NOT spontaneous fairytale naps- more like being waterboarded on Inception Living on Nightmare on Elms St. #narcolepsy

This is what it looks like to you when I have Extended Sleep Paralysis with Hypnagogic Hallucinations.

This is what is what I experience are very real behind my eyes.... Inception on Elm Street

I usually get this overwhelming sleepy feeling, like I haven't slept a week .... giving me enough warning before I go into 'NarckyHeadBobble Snoggz 'Nightmarish seemingly never-ending cycle of horrific subconscious torture...

Video about a person with Narcolepsy about as severe as my Case,  Very Accurate. The difference is I take EffexorXR and Xyrem which help decrease Cataplexy, Sleep Paralysis, and Hypnagogic Hallucinations.

Cataplexic Wisdom learned by the pain and damage to my body due to Cataplexy falls...

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